Editor: Leverage next-generation data storage and recovery management capabilities
IBM TivoliĀ® Storage Manager 6 provides a wide range of storage management capabilities from a single point of control, helping companies ride the information tidal wave.
Help simplify the protection and management of your data, even as it continues to grow exponentially
Address business continuity by helping to Shorten backup and recovery times and helping to maximize application availability with advanced data recovery management technologies
Employ data de-duplication and a hierarchy of storage to help InCrease efficiencies and conserve resources
Help enhance data security with innovative access and encryption features
Help adapt to changes within the IT infrastructure to minimize service disruptions and speed restorations and backups
Help control storage management costs with ease-of-use features and integration with IBM network attached storage (NAS) products
Increase visibility into the data protection environment by providing advanced features for operational monitoring and historical reporting